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Imbolc – A Spiraling Out of Darkness

Experiencing the cycles, rhythms and seasons of the year can be challenging living in California.  It is at these times I am thankful for my connection to my roots, my lineage and the ways of my ancestors and the Western Mystery Tradition.  I learned how to go inward and discovered my internal Wheel of the Year and I found I connected with a rhythm so clear and ancient it opened a pathway to understand my self more. In particular, I discovered wisdom in the great mystery of the ebbs and flows in my energy levels and my emotional tides.

A seasonal shift that is often over looked  is mid-winter, the mid-way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. For many this day is called Imbolc meaning “in the belly” or “in milk”. Other traditions call it Candlemas or Brides (pronounced Breed) Day after the Celtic Goddess Brigit.  It is traditionally celebrated on or around February 1st or 2nd depending upon certain astrological alignments.

Just as Halloween marks the Goddess’s retreat into winter darkness, Imbolc represents her reemergence into the natural world.  It is during Imbolc that the Goddess wakes anew, purified, as the maiden.

 It is during this time of year that we too come spiraling out of darkness and often into a temporary chaos.

What I love about this particular turning of the wheel is that the seeds of our new becoming, our what’s next, have been laying dormant all winter under the watchful eye of the Crone.  If we look carefully and pay close attention, we can see the early signs of life springing forth from what we have been gestating.

Young seeding

This year I find myself actually enjoying my re-emergence into the world. I find I need to remind myself regularly not to rush this re-entry. That every seedling has its own internal gnosis, or knowing, of when it is time to push through the dark and fertile womb it has called home for the last three months.

Paying attention to the cycles of nature can encourages us to be kind to ourselves. It is a reminder that we are not meant to be in full bloom or bare ripe fruit all year long.

This time of turning towards Spring is such a great time to be out in nature and reflect on what is seeking to emerge from us. It is also a great time to presence a greater sense of joy by witnessing what is becoming more alive in the natural world around you.signs-of-spring-17

May this cycle of the season bless and serve you.


1 Comment

  1. Julie

    February 11, 2016 - 8:28 am

    Thank you for this lovely reminder as the weather and seasons feel so confusing. Today it is 85 degrees and my plants are in full bloom but it is February. I have felt a push and pull to move faster in my projects and intentions while still called to test and hibernate. This blog was helpful to me in going into my own season and cycle. Feeling more balanced after meditating on your suggestions.

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